Seeking God in Suffering – God’s Shield of Protection

God’s Shield of Protection

DAY 20 | Isaiah 43:1-5

“When you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned.” —Isaiah 43:2

Have you ever felt that you just couldn’t handle one more difficult thing? Have you wondered how you will get through the next days and months?

God knows the struggles of his people. Through Isaiah, God assured Israel as they were oppressed in exile. God reminded them of his power in the past, and God pointed to his sure presence for the future. The Red Sea had not swept over them as they left Egypt (Exodus 14), and in Babylon a fiery furnace would not burn Daniel’s friends (Daniel 3). God promised, “You are mine,” and “I will be with you.”

The comfort in this passage—that God never lets go as we face all kinds of dangers and struggles—is for God’s people both as a group and as individuals. Nothing can destroy the people whom God has called, so we need not be afraid.

In the summer of 2013 I was shocked and saddened by the death of my youngest sister. Two weeks later, I was diagnosed with melanoma that required surgery, followed by numerous complications. For a while it felt as though the waves of grief and flames of fear were too big to handle. But God did not allow me to be swept away or burned.

The almighty God personally promises to be our shield of protection as we navigate the fiery darts of the devil.


Great I am, help me to trust you when life feels overwhelming and I am pummeled with problems. Thank you that I am precious to you and that your love is eternal. Amen.

//Reframe Ministries//

Catholic Snacks – What is Fig Tuesday?

During Holy Week, we remember in a special way the last few days of Jesus’ life and ministry on Earth. On Palm Sunday, we recall His triumphant entrance into Jerusalem as a beloved prophet. On Holy Thursday, we remember the Last Supper. And on Good Friday, we remember the crucifixion.

But what about the other days? What did Jesus do in the beginning of the most important week of His life?

We know from scripture that on Monday of Holy Week Jesus drove the money lenders out of the temple. On Wednesday, as Jesus continued causing quite a stir in the city teaching the truth, Judas saw an opportunity to make some money and secretly went to the corrupt Pharisees with an offer to help them arrest Jesus in return for 30 pieces of silver (anywhere between $90 and $3,000 in today’s money). Because of Judas, the Wednesday of Holy Week is often called “Spy Wednesday”.

But on Tuesday of Holy Week, also known as “Fig Tuesday”, we remember the time Jesus cursed a fig tree…yes that’s right, He cursed a fig tree, but for a good reason. Jesus and His disciples were heading back into Jerusalem in the morning, and Jesus was hungry. He noticed a fig tree on the side of the road, but when the group approached it, there was nothing on it but leaves. Jesus said to the tree, “May no fruit ever come from you again.” The disciples watched in wonder as the tree withered immediately. As we all would in that situation, the disciples pressed Jesus for an explanation.

Jesus answered, “Amen, I say to you, if you have faith and do not waver, not only will you do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ it will be done. Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive.” In this passage, Jesus reminds us to have such a strong faith that even the impossible seems possible. No doubt, Jesus was preparing His disciples for what was to come in the next few days. He knew that their faith was about to be challenged and they were going to have to start their mission of building the Church.

Today, let’s remember to have faith in the love and mercy of God as we continue through the last few days on our journey to Easter.

Daily Devotion – God’s Strategies

“Pharaoh will say of the Israelites: They are wandering around the land in confusion; the wilderness has boxed them in. I will harden Pharaoh’s heart so that he will pursue them.” – Exodus 14:3-4 CSB

It seemed like an impossible situation. The Israelites themselves seemed perplexed. Under God’s direction, they appeared to be “wandering around the land in confusion.” What puzzled the Egyptians was that they placed themselves in a situation with no apparent escape.

The Israelites might have looked trapped, but the Egyptians didn’t realize they were following an amazing strategy designed by God. In fact, the Israelites themselves didn’t really understand His plan. After all, they were unarmed, trapped between a great army and a massive body of water. Justifiably, many Israelites were bewildered and afraid. Some wished they had stayed in Egypt. Many were prepared to give up!

No person could have conceived of God’s plan or acted in the way He designed. But His plan worked perfectly and led to a total victory.

The Israelites could not have known that the Egyptians themselves were full of fear (Exodus 15:14-16). They sensed that Israel’s God was special. More than forty years later, the people of Jericho admitted hearing how He “dried up the water of the Red Sea.” They marveled at how God saved His people (Joshua 2:10).

Trust God in the situations you face. Commit your ways to Him. Seek His wisdom. Ask for His strategies. You may not understand His plans, but you can trust Him, even in conditions that seem impossible and with unexpected methods.


Father, I commit these situations to You: _______. I seek Your strategies. I will follow You. I trust You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Extended Reading

Exodus 14

//Inspiration Ministeries//