Sermon Notes – “Why You Should be Catholic” – December 22, 2024

“Why You Should be Catholic”

Father Peter Fitzgibbons

December 21 – 22, 2024

Gospel:  Luke 1:39-45

 If you are a big fan of Scripture, you would be Catholic.  In the 3rd or 4th Century, the Church assembled the Councils of Nicea, which resulted in the Nicene Creed which we will recite in a few minutes.  The Councils of Nicea declared Mary to be the Mother of God.  Some people might say, “But that’s not found in Scripture.”  Yes, it is.  You just heard it in the Gospel of Luke when Elizabeth called her the Mother of the Lord:  “43 Why should I be honoured with a visit from the Mother of my Lord?”  The Jews would only use the word “Lord” in reference to God.   Remember, you have to study scripture in the original language.  If you understood Scripture, you would have a deep affection for Mary not only because she is the Mother of God, but also because she is one of the authors of Scripture.  “What do you mean, Father?”   That’s a good question.  This is what I mean:  Where did Luke get his information?   He wasn’t there.  He wasn’t an apostle.  Luke was a physician who didn’t show up until much later with Saint Paul.  So, where did Luke get his information?   He got it from the original source, our Blessed Mother.   So, if you have a reverence for Scripture, you should also have a reverence for the Blessed Mother, and you should probably be Catholic. 

Now, there’s not a lot of Scripture that focuses on Saint Joseph, who was a humble man and a wonderful example of faith, especially for men.  He is the patron saint of the Church, fathers, and families.  Saint Joseph was a very military kind of guy.  He was told in a dream to take Mary as his wife, who had conceived the Son of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.  What did he say?  He said, “Okay.”   He was the perfect husband, right ladies?   Actually, Scripture does not record any words said by Saint Joseph.  In fact, after he and Mary found Jesus in the temple, Joseph disappears from Scripture altogether.  Scripture was written only to disclose the truth of salvation.  It is not a history book.  That is why there are no dinosaurs in it because dinosaurs are not essential for salvation.  Scripture is not a medical textbook.  It does not teach us how to do brain surgery because that is not the purpose of Scripture.  Scripture was written so that we might know of God’s love and how to achieve Heaven.  Scripture contains only what is necessary for salvation. 

The New Testament was written by the Church.  Remember, when Paul was writing the Epistles, the Church had already been established throughout the world.  Saint Joseph, in an act of faith, took Mary as his wife.  He had a lot of physical work to do.  In the middle of winter, Saint Joseph was told to take his nine-month-pregnant wife to Bethlehem using the “shoe leather express.”   Even though it was a very dangerous trip, Joseph said, “Okay.”   It was a very inconvenient time to be traveling because of the ongoing Roman census.   Traveling to Bethlehem at that time would have been like trying to find parking in Charlotte at a Panthers game.  Joseph knew that the Motel 6 would be full, so they stayed in a cave with the animals where it was a bit aromatic but warm. 

Whenever Joseph is mentioned in the bible, he is always practicing obedience.  Why?  Was he afraid of God?  No.  He did it because he loved God.  All those hardships God asked Saint Joseph to endure were gifts of love for the Beloved, for Mary, and for God’s son, Christ.   A common tradition in the Church is that Saint Joseph had no sin, original or otherwise.   I recommend you read ‘The Glories of Saint Joseph’ by Saint Alphonsus Liguori.  What was Saint Joseph’s reward?  He did not see the Resurrection; otherwise, why would Christ entrust the care of His mother to Saint John?  So, what was the reward for Saint Joseph’s obedience?  He was the first human being to hold God in his hands.  When Mary gave birth, who was there?  Joseph.  He held God Himself in his hands.  He was also the first human being to look down at Heaven instead of up. 

How will you apply this message to your life? ________________________________________ 

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Saint of the Day – August 1 – Saint Alphonsus Liguori

Saint Alphonsus Liguori’s Story (September 27, 1696 – August 1, 1787)

Moral theology, Vatican II said, should be more thoroughly nourished by Scripture, and show the nobility of the Christian vocation of the faithful and their obligation to bring forth fruit in charity for the life of the world. Alphonsus, declared patron of moral theologians by Pius XII in 1950, would rejoice in that statement.

In his day, Alphonsus fought for the liberation of moral theology from the rigidity of Jansenism. His moral theology, which went through 60 editions in the century following him, concentrated on the practical and concrete problems of pastors and confessors. If a certain legalism and minimalism crept into moral theology, it should not be attributed to this model of moderation and gentleness.

At the University of Naples, Alphonsus received a doctorate in both canon and civil law by acclamation, at the age of 16, but he soon gave up the practice of law for apostolic activity. He was ordained a priest, and concentrated his pastoral efforts on popular parish missions, hearing confessions, and forming Christian groups.

He founded the Redemptorist congregation in 1732. It was an association of priests and brothers living a common life, dedicated to the imitation of Christ, and working mainly in popular missions for peasants in rural areas. Almost as an omen of what was to come later, he found himself deserted after a while by all his original companions except one lay brother. But the congregation managed to survive and was formally approved 17 years later, though its troubles were not over.

Alphonsus’ great pastoral reforms were in the pulpit and confessional—replacing the pompous oratory of the time with simplicity, and the rigorism of Jansenism with kindness. His great fame as a writer has somewhat eclipsed the fact that for 26 years he traveled up and down the Kingdom of Naples preaching popular missions.

He was made bishop at age 66 after trying to reject the honor, and at once instituted a thorough reform of his diocese.

His greatest sorrow came toward the end of his life. The Redemptorists, precariously continuing after the suppression of the Jesuits in 1773, had difficulty in getting their Rule approved by the Kingdom of Naples. Alphonsus acceded to the condition that they possess no property in common, but with the connivance of a high Redemptorist official, a royal official changed the Rule substantially. Alphonsus, old, crippled and with very bad sight, signed the document, unaware that he had been betrayed. The Redemptorists in the Papal States then put themselves under the pope, who withdrew those in Naples from the jurisdiction of Alphonsus. It was only after his death that the branches were united.

At 71, Alphonsus was afflicted with rheumatic pains which left incurable bending of his neck. Until it was straightened a little, the pressure of his chin caused a raw wound on his chest. He suffered a final 18 months of “dark night” scruples, fears, temptations against every article of faith and every virtue, interspersed with intervals of light and relief, when ecstasies were frequent.

Alphonsus is best known for his moral theology, but he also wrote well in the field of spiritual and dogmatic theology. His Glories of Mary is one of the great works on that subject, and his book Visits to the Blessed Sacrament went through 40 editions in his lifetime, greatly influencing the practice of this devotion in the Church.


Saint Alphonsus was known above all as a practical man who dealt in the concrete rather than the abstract. His life is indeed a practical model for the everyday Christian who has difficulty recognizing the dignity of Christian life amid the swirl of problems, pain, misunderstanding and failure. Alphonsus suffered all these things. He is a saint because he was able to maintain an intimate sense of the presence of the suffering Christ through it all.

Saint Alphonsus Liguori is the Patron Saint of:
