We conclude our meditations on the Our Father with Fr. Mark-Mary delving into the parable of the Good Shepherd, the Fall in Genesis, and Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, helping build our mental library as we pray the Rosary. As we pray these lines of the Our Father, we’ll have an opportunity to rejoice in the goodness of God. Today’s focus is “and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,” and we will be praying one Our Father, three Hail Marys, and one Glory Be.
The Rosary in a Year – Day 11 – As We Forgive
We are to forgive as we have been forgiven. Today, Fr. Mark Mary leads us in a meditation upon the forgiveness described in the Our Father, taking inspiration from a parable in Matthew 18 and a personal experience with a delicious plate of nachos. As we come to the Lord in prayer today, Fr. Mark Mary invites us to allow God’s mercy to flow through us. Today’s focus is “and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us” and we will be praying one Our Father, three Hail Marys, and one Glory Be.
The Rosary in a Year – Day 10 – Daily Bread
What is the “daily bread” we pray for in the Our Father? Fr. Mark-Mary provides Biblical examples from the Gospels and Exodus to reveal how God is always providing daily bread for his people. The manna in Exodus and Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of Matthew illustrate what “daily bread” can look like for the modern Christian. Today’s focus is “Give us this day our daily bread” and we will be praying one Our Father, three Hail Marys, and one Glory Be.
The Rosary in a Year – Day 9 – Thy Will Be Done
Fr. Mark-Mary continues meditating on the Our Father, exploring the concept of the kingdom of heaven through Matthew 18:1-4. Jesus instructs his disciples to become like children in order to enter the kingdom of heaven, and Fr. Mark-Mary shares how we can have more child-like faith in God as we pray the Rosary. Today’s focus is “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” and we will be praying one Our Father, three Hail Marys, and one Glory Be.
The Rosary in a Year – Day 8 – Our Father in Heaven
How do you approach God when you pray the Rosary? Fr. Mark-Mary begins exploring the Biblical Roots of the Rosary with the Our Father by comparing the story of Jacob and Esau in Genesis 32 to Jesus’ words to his Father as he teaches us the Lord’s Prayer. Understanding how we can approach God will give us a strong foundation for praying the Rosary. Today’s focus is “Our Father who art in heaven” and we will be praying one Our Father, three Hail Marys, and one Glory Be.
The Rosary in a Year – Day 7 – Grace Will Overflow
Praying the Rosary is not just for ourselves! Fr. Mark-Mary reveals how your prayers of the Rosary are a powerful action that God can use to create an overflowing of grace into your relationships, your family, and our world. Today’s focus is on prayer as a source of grace and we will be praying one Our Father, three Hail Marys, and one Glory Be.
The Rosary in a Year – Day 6 – Prayer is a Battle
The Rosary in a Year – Day 3 – Heart of Jesus
What do you feel when you are in the presence of Jesus? Freedom and comfort, or is there some apprehension or anxiety? Today, we journey with Fr. Mark-Mary to Jesus’ workshop, practicing imaginative meditation to use when we pray the Rosary. Today’s focus is “Heart of Jesus, patient and full of mercy,” and we will be praying one Our Father, three Hail Marys, and one Glory Be.
The Rosary in a Year – Day 2 – The King Knows You
The Rosary in a Year – Day 1 – Responding to God
Welcome to Day 1 of the Rosary in a Year! Today we begin our journey with Fr. Mark-Mary, as he leads us in a guided meditation to help us find the presence of God as we pray. This first phase, Forming the Relationship, will set the stage for your rosaries all year as we begin deepening our relationship with Jesus and Mary in prayer. Today’s focus is on finding the presence of God, and we will be praying one Our Father, three Hail Marys, and one Glory Be