How to Love Annoying People

People are annoying sometimes—and that’s okay. It’s impossible for us to get along with everyone we meet. But how can we approach people that annoy us with love and charity, so that it benefits our soul instead of hurting it?

Today, Fr. Mark-Mary and Danielle Bean offer some advice on how to love annoying people, and how God might be using it for your sanctification.

Loving People You Don’t Like (“Let Them Be Themselves”)

There are always going to be people we don’t like very much… people that “annoy” us. Friends, family members, people that are “always” this or that. It can become easy to define people by their faults. But that’s not what God does with us.

Today, Fr. Mark-Mary shows you how to love people like God loves people, by giving people permission to be themselves.

How to Love Someone You Don’t Like

Some folks maintain the notion that Jesus said we “have to love people” but “don’t have to like them”. Besides the fact that Jesus never said this… there are other reasons this false idea is holding you back from loving the way you were made to love.

Today, Fr. Mark-Mary dives deep into what it means to “like” someone and how we can show true, authentic love to everyone (and… in fact… that is our calling).