Today’s To-Do List
What’s Inside a Humble Heart?
“But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for the Lord sees not as man sees; man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.’” – 1 Samuel 16:7
What does God see when he looks into our hearts? Does he see a humble, contrite and broken heart, that he will not spurn?
Today Fr. Mike Schmitz shares a word of encouragement from the book of 1 Samuel for how to shape our hearts so that the Lord can be present to them and abide in them.
Blessed are They Who See Beautiful Things in Humble Places
Prideful? Here’s How to Stop and Be Humble
Today Fr. Mike encourages us to consider pursuing this one antidote in combatting pride and to helping you grow in humility today!
Do Not be Daunted
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Be Kind. Work Hard.
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Minute Meditation – God’s Humble Love Lives in Us
The fullness of the mystery of Christ is completed in humanity; thus, it depends on us human beings and our participation in the mystery of Christ. Because the non-human material world depends on us humans for its completion in God, it, too, is part of the mystery of Christ but can only participate in this mystery in and through the human person. How does this relationship between Christ and humanity relate to the humility of God? Well, if God bends over in love for us in and through the Word incarnate, then we who are little “words” must bend over in love for one another and for all creation if the universe is to find its fulfillment in Christ. God’s humble love must live in us through grace and freedom.
— from the book The Humility of God: A Franciscan Perspective by Ilia Delio, OSF
Meditation of the Day – What Hurts is Not So Much Suffering as The Fear of Suffering
“What really hurts is not so much suffering as the fear of suffering. If welcomed trustingly and peacefully, suffering makes us grow. It matures and trains us, purifies us, teaches us to love unselfishly, makes us poor in heart, humble, gentle, and compassionate toward our neighbor. Fear of suffering, on the other hand, hardens us in self-protective, defensive attitudes, and often leads us to make irrational choices with disastrous consequences.”— Fr. Jacques Philippe, p. 47
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Meditation of the Day – He Who is Humble Soon Repents with Sorrow
“He who is humble, even though he fall through frailty, soon repents with sorrow and implores the divine assistance to help him to amend; nor is he astonished at having fallen, because he knows that of himself he is only capable of evil and would do far worse if God did not protect him with His grace. After having sinned, it is good to humble oneself before God, and without losing courage, to remain in humility in order not to fall again . . . But to afflict ourselves without measure and to give way to a certain pusillanimous melancholy, which brings us to the verge of despair, is a temptation of pride, insinuated by the devil . . . However upright we may be, we must never be scandalized nor amazed at the conduct of evildoers, nor consider ourselves better than they, because we do not know what is ordained for them or for us in the supreme dispositions of God.”— Rev. Cajetan da Bergamo, p. 56-57
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