//Clergy Coaching Network//
416 N 2nd St, Albemarle, NC, 28001 | (704) 982-2910
//Clergy Coaching Network//
//Clergy Coaching Network//
The Catechism reveals the theological virtues of faith, hope, and love as additional “wellsprings” of prayer for us to connect with the Father. Fr. Mike explains that we must enter into prayer with faith, pray in hope, and love as God loves us. Fr. Mike also addresses the Catechism’s view on praying in the present, not looking at the past or future. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2656-2662.
Click on link: https://youtu.be/hI7zlMafJy0?si=fucXaKGIM69eVuOt
//Diocese of Charlotte – Office of Family Life//
//Clergy Coaching Network//
//Clergy Coaching Network//
//Women at the Well Ministries//
//Clergy Coaching Network//
The origin, motive, and object of the theological virtues are God himself. Today, we dive into the theological virtues, beginning with the virtue of Faith. Fr. Mike unpacks the meaning and purpose of the virtue of Faith and emphasizes that Faith is deeply rooted in trust in God. Lastly, Fr. Mike reminds us that Faith should be lived out along with Hope, and Love, and also professed to those who do know yet know God. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 1812-1816.
Click on link: https://youtu.be/CBL3LGHBCUA?si=KZOMnrHHPJcMwYhj