“Holy” Does Not Mean “Perfect”

Holiness is not something we can achieve on our own—is it a grace we ask of God, and he promises that he will grant it to us. But often, the first step is acknowledging your weaknesses, accepting their existence, and handing them to God in total surrender.

Fr. Mike and Sr. Miriam explore that journey in this clip from Fr. Mike’s conversation w/ Sr. Miriam about Advent, healing, and forgiveness.


Your Weakness = Your Superpower

If you’ve ever planned to become so holy that you don’t need God’s help anymore, then this video is for you.

Self-reliance is a virtue lauded by modern society in the west. But not only does Jesus warn against it, self-reliance… just… doesn’t even work.

Today, Fr. Mike proposes an alternative that will change your life. Spoiler: it involves relying on someone else.

The Catechism in a Year – Day 116 – The Church Is Holy

Fr. Mike examines the next characteristic of the Church, the Church is holy, and he emphasizes two important ideas. The first is that the Church is unfailingly holy only because of God’s gracious gift to us. The second is that each and every one of the activities of the Church are for two purposes: the sanctification of men in Christ and the glorification of God. We conclude with a reminder from St. Therese on the importance of charity, that love of God is the “vocation which includes all others.” Today’s readings from the Catechism are paragraphs 823-829.

Click on link to play video: https://youtu.be/jHqmGsz9meI

The Catechism in a Year – Day 114 – The Church Is One

In this new paragraph—”The Church is One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic”—the Catechism explains how and why the Church is “One”. Fr. Mike highlights the many manifestations of the good that Jesus works through the Church, and he also urges us to cling to the “visible bonds of unity” that Christ offers us. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 811-816.

Click on the link to play video: https://youtu.be/QbmMpHZ0vME

The Catechism in a Year – Day 105 – Christ’s Church and its Mission

The Church has no other light than Christ’s, and the Holy Spirit is the source of all its holiness. We believe that the Church is “holy,” “catholic,” “one,” and “apostolic.” Fr. Mike explains that Jesus has promised to guide the Church in the truth. Members of the Church are called and uniquely belong to the Lord. We also learn that the word ‘church’ has three inseparable meanings: the liturgical assembly, the local community, and the universal community of believers. The Church draws her life from the body of Christ and so becomes Christ’s body. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 748-752.

Click on link to play video: /https://youtu.be/yqa4vRpCqa4