Did Jesus leave us when he ascended to heaven? Fr. Mark-Mary answers this question, leading us in a meditation on the certainty of Jesus’ perpetual presence with us in all times and places. Today’s focus is the mystery of the Ascension and we will be praying one Our Father, three Hail Marys, and one Glory Be.
Were you there when he laid the foundation of the Earth? Fr. Mark-Mary brings us this pertinent question from the book of Job as we reflect on the Apostles Creed that we pray every Rosary. He explains that this question, far from being accusatory, is a promise of care from the Lord, a promise that we can trust in God to be God. Today’s focus is “I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only son, our Lord, ” and we will be praying one Our Father, three Hail Marys, and one Glory Be.
I remember my theology teacher, Father Connolly who has gone on to his eternal rest. Saint Augustine said, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.” Father Connolly put it this way, “We have a hole in the soul that can only be filled by God because He made us for Himself.” We all have that hole in our soul; a place where only God can dwell to make us whole and complete.
While I was up North and visiting my cousins, I got the low-down on the family . . . who is in the hospital and who isn’t . . . it was like a hospital counseling session. Some are doing well, and some are not so well. But that’s life on life’s terms. How is Cousin Larry doing? “Well, if you don’t count the six stents, the level 3 chronic kidney disease, and the lack of circulation in his feet, he’s doing great! What I would really love for them all to do is go to Mass. They were all given the gift of Catholic faith at Baptism. Get your donkey to Mass. It would help them bear their crosses and not die early.
We all have family and friends we dearly love who have gone off the reservation, and our hearts break for them. We want them to know the hope, the joy, and the peace we have in the Faith and the consolation we receive from our good Lord. Remember that God loves them more than we do. God wants them in Heaven more than we do. God created them out of love, sustains them out of love, and gives them His gifts to turn their heads toward Him so that they can realize that they are running away from the source of all grace and goodness. Never give up on your prayers for them. God will never give up on them. We may get tired, frustrated, and resentful, but God never does. He is there waiting for them because nothing will ever kill that desire for God in their soul.
Many people try to fill that hole in their soul with all sorts of people, places, and things. It never works. No matter how hard they try, the hole is never filled. They try to kill the call of God. “Well, this other church is good. They do this, and they do that.” Well, if it was that good, you wouldn’t be talking to me in that tone of voice. Feeling a little guilty, are we? I wonder why. That’s anger and guilt. I’m not a professional counselor, but even I can figure that out. I can always tell when I meet an ex-Catholic. Do you know how? They say, “I used to be Catholic.” Are you happy? They aren’t. They know what they had and lost. Their soul is not filled with Who it was meant to be filled with. Instead, they keep trying to explain how much better things are now. Really? It is not. So, keep praying for your relatives and friends as I keep praying for mine who have left God and the Faith. Remember, God is always after them 24/7 and 365 up until the moment they die. He constantly follows them and thumps them on the back of the head. Hey Stunade! Quit running. Stop hurting yourself and let Him love you.
During my military travels, I used to see this poster that said, “A coward is a man who lets men better and braver than himself protect him and his family.” And that is true. There is more courage than that on the battlefield. A couple of weeks after I arrived here, I received a phone call from Hospice. “Would you go visit someone in the county?” Sure, I’d be happy to visit them. I was new to the area and had no idea where anything was. I’ve been here 22 years, and I still have no idea. Anyhow, I found my way out to where the county ends and God begins. It was an older couple, and the wife was dying of kidney cancer. I talked to the husband, who was a WWII veteran and an Army Ranger. He had been captured by the Japanese and tortured. After I gave his wife Last Rites, I remember the last words he said to his wife, “Honey, I kept my promise. I did not put you in a nursing home.”
When 9-11 happened, people in Statesville were saying, “Let’s go get them!” Are you going to give me your sons and daughters and risk their coming home in a body bag? I knew I would be recalled, and in a couple of weeks, I was gone. We see physical courage every day in our police and fire departments. But the more important type of courage is moral courage. I know a bunch of brave men who go home and are good husbands and fathers. That is the mark of a true man. Despite their many crosses, they are good husbands and fathers. They protect their families and pass on the Faith. That comes from striving for holiness.
Father’s Reflections . . .
The other day, I texted Father Hoar and thanked him for covering for me last weekend. I said I hoped y’all didn’t love him too much. I had visions of my bags being packed and waiting for me on the porch and the locks on the door changed. Paranoia is sometimes a good thing.
People have asked about my vacation. Let me put it this way: I had three combat tours in the Army and a tour in Gitmo. During the seven days I spent driving around Rhode Island, I had more near-death experiences than I had in the 24 years I spent in military service. I had breakfast in the diner every day; it was like “Cheers” with pancakes. While eating breakfast, I looked around at all the people there, and it reminded me of an old Country & Western song: “I have friends in low places.”
How will you apply this message to your life? ________________________________________
You can read all of Father Fitzgibbons’ sermons by going to AnnunciationCatholicAlbemarle.com, clicking on “Blog” then “Categories” and then “Sermon Notes.” On a cell phone: click on “Blog” and then “Menu.” Scroll to the bottom and click on “Categories.” Sermon Notes are also available on the Church’s Facebook page at OLA.Catholic.Church. Click on “Groups” and then “Sermon Notes.”
2) After six days Jesus took Peter, James, and John and led them up a high mountain apart by themselves. And He was transfigured before them, 3) and His clothes became dazzling white, such as no fuller on earth could bleach them. 4) Then Elijah appeared to them along with Moses, and they were conversing with Jesus. 5) Then Peter said to Jesus in reply, “Rabbi, it is good that we are here! Let us make three tents: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” 6) He hardly knew what to say, they were so terrified. 7) Then a cloud came, casting a shadow over them; then from the cloud came a voice, “This is my beloved Son. Listen to Him.” 8) Suddenly, looking around, they no longer saw anyone but Jesus alone with them. 9) As they were coming down from the mountain, He charged them not to relate what they had seen to anyone, except when the Son of Man had risen from the dead. 10) So, they kept the matter to themselves, questioning what rising from the dead meant.
We learn what Heaven is like by the transfigurations in the Gospel. I could preach for hours on that subject. Would you like me to preach for hours? Before you respond, the pious answer is “Yes, Father.” But I know what you are really thinking: “Come on old man. I’m starving here!” So, what is Heaven like? Heaven is being in the presence of Jesus. It’s not a place. It’s a Who. It is the presence of God. Moses and Elijah were in the presence of God. They talked about what would happen in the future, so they had knowledge of the future. Remember that in Heaven everything is in the present. God is always in the present because He is not subject to His own creation of time, the past, or the future. Everything is present to God at once. All time is present.
How did the Apostles know they were talking to Moses and Elijah? There was no Facebook back then. There were no cameras or photographs. So, like Moses and Elijah, their minds had been enlightened by a gift from God. They knew Moses and Elijah. They knew they were talking to Jesus. So, what does that tell us about death? It tells us there is forgiveness after death. What did God say to Moses after he struck the rock three times? “Because you did not believe in me. . . therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them” (Num. 20:6-13). Moses was not allowed to enter the Promised Land, but where was he that day? He was in the Promised Land. So, there is forgiveness after death.
Purgatory is the full expression of God’s love and mercy. The Apostles wanted this joy to continue; however, Heaven is later and not here on Earth no matter what any bishop or Church deacon tells you. “If we have just one more collection or one more ministry, we’ll have Heaven on Earth, and everybody will be happy.” No. We will never have Heaven on Earth. That’s akin to a government official saying, “If we pass these great budgets and everything else, we’ll be all set, and everybody will be happy.” Ahh, no. You won’t have Heaven on Earth. Heaven comes later. If we are holy, we will have as much happiness as possible in this life. However, full happiness does not come until we are with our Savior forever.
Holiness has its own crosses. Bishop Sheen had a television show. He was a handsome man, eloquent, learned, and gave a great presentation. Do you know what his daily diet consisted of? Boiled chicken, graham crackers, and milk. His stomach was that bad, but nobody knew. Saint Theresa of Calcutta experienced “interior darkness,” but she was joyous. Never mind all the crosses Saint John Paul II had as the Holy Father, but he was also shot. Doctors say that the blood transfusions he received caused his Parkinson’s disease. However, he suffered joyously for the salvation of souls. One story about the Holy Father . . . he was a huge lover of classical music. So, they had a world-renowned orchestra come in with some of the best maestros in the world. After they finished playing one of his favorite pieces, the maestro turned around to look at the Holy Father and hoped that he liked it. “Please like it!” His Holiness was shaking and drooling because of his Parkinsons, but he gave the maestro a thumbs-up.
Ten days before the Passion, God gave Peter, James, and John the great gift of consolation to prepare them for the scandal of the Cross. God has given us consolation many, many times to help us endure our sufferings. Consolations are a glimpse of Heaven. Some consolations He gives us before we have great trials and some after. And some just because God likes to give them to us because He loves us. During that time when we are experiencing great trials and suffering, we don’t experience the consolation of Christ. That’s hogwash. “Oh! I’m struggling! My goodness!” Grow up! Just because we don’t feel the consolation of God and His presence, doesn’t mean He isn’t with us. You cannot prove a positive with a negative.
This is our opportunity to respond to His great gifts with acts of faith, hope, and love knowing that He is always with us. Our guardian angel is always with us. Mine is tired. Just because we don’t feel consolation doesn’t mean anything. This, indeed, might be a chance for us to console God. How many of us have sinned so grievously against Him and don’t care? We do not enjoy the times between consolations. I would love to have them all the time. But that’s not reality, and it’s the danger of a lot of spiritual programs. “Pray this way while holding your mouth just right and standing on one foot, and you will receive consolation every time you pray.” But that’s not true at all. Look at Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. God is never, ever away from us. Between consolations, we make our act of faith that God is with us; our act of hope that He will bring us safely through our trials; and our act of love by turning our trials into acts of love for others.
How will you apply this message to your life?_____________________________________
You can read all of Father Fitzgibbons’ sermons by going to annunciationcatholicalbemarle.com and clicking on “Blog” then “Categories” then “Sermon Notes.” On a cell phone: click on “Blog” and then “Menu.” Scroll to the bottom and click on “Categories.” Sermon Notes are also available on the Church’s Facebook page at ola.catholic.church. Click on “Groups” and then “Sermon Notes.”
What will happen to humanity and the entire universe at the end of time? Fr. Mike shares with us the joyous hope of the new heaven and the new earth that awaits us after the Last Judgment. We learn that “at the end of time, the Kingdom of God will come in its fullness,” and all of creation will be redeemed and renewed. There will be no more weeping, mourning, nor pain, for death shall be no more. Fr. Mike invites us to hold on to this hope as we struggle on this side of heaven and await this great promise. Today’s Catechism readings are paragraphs 1042-1050.
The Catechism unpacks the line from the Creed, “He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.” Fr. Mike highlights the reality that we do not have direct access to the Father without his Son, Jesus. Christ’s ascension into heaven means, “the irreversible entry of his humanity into divine glory,” uniting our humanity with God’s divinity in a remarkable way—which finds its earthly culmination in the Holy Mass. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 659-667.