The Catechism in a Year – Day 329 – The Gift of Prayer

St. Thérèse said that “prayer is a surge of the heart.” Do we pray from our pride or from a place of humility? The Catechism tells us that “humility is the foundation of prayer.” In humility we can feel God’s thirst for us, accept his gift of prayer, and pray to him from our heart. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2558-2565.

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The Catechism in a Year – Day 327 – Poverty of Heart

Where should we find consolation? It’s essential to remember that our ultimate goal and true source of happiness is God. With this in mind, Fr. Mike emphasizes the need to detach ourselves from worldly possessions and strive to be channels of God’s grace. By doing so, when we receive blessings, we can in turn become a blessing to others. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2544-2557.

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Minute Meditation – Mary, Mother of God

Mary treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart!” (Luke 2:19). In these words, Luke describes the attitude with which Mary took in all that they had experienced in those days. Far from trying to understand or master the situation, Mary is the woman who can treasure, that is to say, protect and guard in her heart, the passage of God in the life of his people. Deep within, she had learned to listen to the heartbeat of her Son, and that in turn taught her, throughout her life, to discover God’s heartbeat in history. She learned how to be a mother, and in that learning process she gave Jesus the beautiful experience of knowing what it is to be a Son. In Mary, the eternal Word not only became flesh, but also learned to recognize the maternal tenderness of God. With Mary, the God-Child learned to listen to the yearnings, the troubles, the joys and the hopes of the people of the promise. With Mary, he discovered himself a Son of God’s faithful people.

— from the book The Peace of Christmas: Quiet Reflections with Pope Francis
by Diane M. Houdek

//Franciscan Media//

Is God in Your Heart?

“God is on a quest to enter into your heart. He makes many approaches every day. Do you welcome him with open arms, or do you block God from entering into your heart?

We don’t always notice God’s attempts to enter into our hearts, because they are disguised in the ordinary everyday moments of life.

You notice someone in need. Through that moment God is trying to enter deeper into your heart. How do you respond?

You hear about a difficult situation someone you used to be friends with finds herself in. God is trying to enter deeper into your heart. Do you reach out to that person? Do you pray for that person? Or do you simply assign that person to your past and get on with your life?

God is trying to enter into your heart. He wants to occupy every corner of it. As you go about your day today, try to be aware of how God is attempting to occupy your heart and new ways.”

The Battle for Your Heart

The Battle for Your Heart: What Will You Choose? – Feed Your Soul: Gospel Reflections


What are you living for? Approval? Success? Power? This week, Jesus reveals something terrifying in the Gospel: all of those things are waging a battle for your heart.

Today, Jack asks a powerful question that will direct the course of the battle, and the outcome all depends on one decision. What will you choose?