Minute Meditation – Living Without Defenses

To keep our bodies less defended, to live in our body right now, to be present to others in a cellular way, is also the work of healing of past hurts and the many memories that seem to store themselves in the body. The body seems to never stop offering its messages; but fortunately, the body never lies, even though the mind will deceive you constantly. Zen practitioners tend to be well-trained in seeing this. It is very telling that Jesus usually physically touched people when he healed them; he knew where the memory and hurt was lodged, and it was in the body itself.

—from the book Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the Twelve Steps
by Richard Rohr, OFM

The Bible in a Year – Day 174 – The Prophet Hosea

Fr. Mike takes a break from 2 Chronicles to enter into the book of Hosea. We learn that Hosea was a prophet called to not only witness to God’s words, but to his actions as well. Fr. Mike also touches on hope in times of intense healing, and how essential this virtue is when striving to live a life for Christ. Today’s readings are 2 Kings 5, Hosea 1-3, and Psalm 101.

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