The Rosary in a Year – Day 1 – Responding to God

Welcome to Day 1 of the Rosary in a Year! Today we begin our journey with Fr. Mark-Mary, as he leads us in a guided meditation to help us find the presence of God as we pray. This first phase, Forming the Relationship, will set the stage for your rosaries all year as we begin deepening our relationship with Jesus and Mary in prayer. Today’s focus is on finding the presence of God, and we will be praying one Our Father, three Hail Marys, and one Glory Be

Remember to Remember God

Remember to Remember God

I have tried to learn from St. Francis. In my home, pinned to the curtain of my front door, is a reminder—”Remember to remember God.” In the Hebrew tradition, it is the mezuzah to be touched, to remind one of the sacred words on the scroll. To remind me of the sacred. Such a concept! To use each doorway as a portal. To pass through each doorway and remind oneself to do better, to live life just a little more virtuously—such a concept.

It wasn’t just the San Damiano crucifix for Francis—the cave, the lepers, and the poor began to speak to him of God, until eventually Francis could look at nothing without seeing God.

—from the book God’s Love Song: The Vision of Francis and Clare
by Murray Bodo, OFM, and Susan Saint Sing

Franciscan Media:

When God Doesn’t Answer Your Prayers

If it feels like God isn’t answering your prayers, that can be disheartening. But it can also be devastating.

Today, Fr. Mike offers the good word that your God is your loving Father who wants to give you good things. But he also offers the reminder that God is not a genie over which we have control.

The Catechism in a Year – Day 271 – Love of God

We continue our overview of the Ten Commandments by looking at the two parts: love of God and love of neighbor. Together they form a “coherent whole,” and there is a unity between the two. While the Catechism shows us our obligation to follow the Commandments, it also reminds us that, “What God commands, he makes possible by his grace.” Fr. Mike emphasizes that even though it may be challenging at times, we are not alone. Jesus is here to help us keep his Commandments. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2064-2082.

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