Sermon Notes – January 19, 2025 –  “Do What Mom Says”

“Do What Mom Says”

 Father Peter Fitzgibbons

 January 18 – 19, 2025

Gospel:  John 2:1-12

Remember the “E” word I’ve been talking about for the past two weeks?  Epiphany.  What does “epiphany” mean?  Manifestation.  Well, we have another epiphany.  This particular manifestation was of Jesus’ power and love.  He performed the first of His miracles by changing 150 gallons of water into wine.  That’s pretty impressive.  Did Jesus have to do this?  No, but He did it because He loved His mother, and she asked Him to do it.  It is interesting to read the part of Scripture about Jesus’ response to His mother’s request, “Woman, how does your concern affect Me?”  Now, according to Bishop Sheen, a more accurate translation from the original Greek is, “Woman, who are thee to Me?”  Really?  That sounds rather rude. Try saying that to your mother or wife and see how it works out for you.  You just might end up in intensive care.   But this was the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry and His first miracle.  It was also the beginning of Mary’s secondary role – not only was she the Mother of Jesus, but she was also to become the Mother of all mankind.  She came to this realization at the foot of the Cross in Calvary.  The Blessed Mother is a powerful intercessor with her Son.  People ask me, “Father, pray for me.”  I’d be happy to; it’s my job, and I appreciate the faith you have in me to ask.  However, who do you think would get a better hearing?  Me?  I mean, I’m pretty wonderful, but you know . . . the Blessed Mother might have me beat.  Besides, who can refuse their mother anything? 

Jesus told the waiters to fill the stone jars with water.   Now, did they have a water hose?  No.  They hauled buckets from the well.  The water they drew from the well resulted in 150 gallons of the best wine.  That sounds like my family reunions . . . I have a thirsty family.   Filling the jars and then lifting them out of the well would have taken a lot of upper-body strength.   It also took a fair amount of time.  But they did as they were told.   

What is the primary way to holiness?  Obedience.   When Jesus told the waiters to fill the jars with water, can you imagine what was going on in the back of their minds?  “Are you kidding me?  What is this idiot thinking?”  After filling the jars with water, they were told to take them to the head waiter.   Even though they didn’t understand why they were taking the water to the head waiter, they did as they were told.   What happened after that?  A wonderful thing happened . . . the water was changed into wine – in fact, it was the best wine, above and beyond anyone’s expectations.  Normally, you wait until people are smashed and then give them the lesser wine.  But this was the best wine, and it was saved for last.  That’s the fruit of obedience.  After the water was turned into wine, it was then the waiters understood, and they saw the result of their obedience.  They obeyed even though they didn’t understand.  This is what our Lord asks of us; to keep His Commandments and to do what He asks us to do.  You may be thinking, “Oh, that’s so old-fashioned.”   Look at the results before you criticize.  Besides, it’s in Scripture.  If we do what our Lord asks us to do, we will receive unbelievable rewards.  What kinds of unbelievable rewards?  Himself.  All the other stuff is a mere representation of His love for us, just as the gifts we give each other are reflections of what is in our hearts.   

I’ve been around a long time and have gone to a lot of conferences, probably not as many as I should have because they drive me nuts, and most of them are worthless.  I’d rather be on an escape and evasion course because I know there’s an end to it.  “Oh!  You must buy this book; it’s great!  You can increase the spirituality of your parish.”  So, I bought the book, and it’s a real fire starter.   In the book, this one priest was having a tough day, so he put on his prayer shawl and lit his prayer candle.  Hey Father, you’re breaking my heart.  Why don’t you get your ”beep” to the church and pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament?  I do believe you have a key.  Go pray in the presence of our Lord.  I find nothing in Scripture about prayer candles.  It’s a bunch of dribble.   So, save yourself some money on silly books. 

It may take a while but God always rewards obedience to His Word.  The best spiritual advice given is the last words spoken by the Blessed Mother: “Do whatever He tells you.”  Do what mom says.

Father’s Reflections . . . When I was in Wilmington last week, I saw a lady I know who does jewelry work to benefit a battered women’s shelter.  This lady asked me, “Hey, Father, would you like a praying hands pen?”  I said, “Thank you very much, but no.  I already have two praying hands, and they are attached.”

How will you apply this message to your life? _________________________________________

You can read all of Father Fitzgibbons’ sermons by going to, clicking on “Blog” then “Categories” and then “Sermon Notes.”  On a cell phone: click on “Blog” and then “Menu.”  Scroll to the bottom and click on “Categories.”  Sermon Notes are also available on the Church’s Facebook page at OLA.Catholic.Church.  Click on “Groups” and then “Sermon Notes.


Sermon Notes – January 5, 2025 – “A Tour of the Nativity”

“A Tour of the Nativity”

Father Peter Fitzgibbons

January 4 – 5, 2025

GospelMatthew 2:1-12

As you can see, and as promised, the Wisemen made it.  They always do.  The creche will be up for another week.  Do you know why?  The Christmas season doesn’t end until next week, which is the Baptism of our Lord.  I’m kind of a traditionalist, so we are keeping it up until then.  Saint Francis is credited for creating the first nativity scene in the 13th Century.  The nativity or creche is a portrait of the Church and a small book on Catholic theology, so I’m always amused when non-Catholics have one.   You display Catholic icons, and you’re not Catholic?  Really? 

The creche is the Church and is one of the first of many manifestations of Christ in the Gospel.  Inside the creche, you see Christology – the study of Christ; Ecclesiology – the study of Who the Church is; Soteriology – the study of redemption; Hagiography – the study of the saints; and Eucharistic theology, the study of doctrine regarding the Eucharist.  There are a lot of ‘ologies’ present in the creche and, in the interest of time, I’ll make just a few points about each.

In Ecclesiology, you learn that the Church and its people are always gathered around Jesus just as we are now – He’s right there in the Tabernacle.   In the creche, you find who makes up the Church.  Who makes up the Body of Christ?  That’s an interesting question.  In the creche, we see the very holy – the Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph were both born without original sin.   You also see the very learned and the very ignorant.  Do you know why they are there?  The ignorant – the shepherds – know that they don’t know anything.  They were not the sharpest knives in the drawer, but they knew enough to be obedient.  They responded to the voice of an angel, and they saw the Savior.  The Wisemen are educated and know they don’t know everything, which is the goal of education.   They took the shoe leather express across the desert, which would not have been fun.  What do the Blessed Mother, Saint Joseph, the Wisemen, and the shepherds have in common?  Obedience.  If you read the Gospels, obedience did not always come easy.  The Wisemen walked across the desert or rode on camels, neither of which would be pleasant.  And yes, I have ridden on a camel.  I haven’t eaten one, but I’ve heard they taste like chicken.  But if you walk across the desert during the day, it’s not pleasant, and it’s not much better at night.  During the day, the temperature is about 70 degrees, but at night it drops to about 30 degrees.   The Wisemen were out there in the desert, and they were freezing.  Their trip across the desert was both brutal and dangerous.   But they were obedient, and they won the prize for obedience . . . to see the Savior and be in His presence.   We will, too, if we are obedient and achieve Heaven.   

In the creche, the Savior is lying in a manger, which reflects Soteriology.  In 33 years, the wood of the manger would become the wood of the Cross.  So, His suffering, death, and resurrection are already forecasted in the nativity. 

Christology is also reflected because of the gifts the Wisemen brought:  gold because He is a king and frankincense because He is God.   A lot of non-Catholics say, “Using incense is terrible.”  Why?  It’s used in Scripture.  Christ didn’t throw it out, did He?   The Blessed Mother didn’t say, “Get this crap out of here,” did she?  In fact, incense is used in the presence of God.  Read Revelation 8:3-5.  Incense is the prayers of God’s people rising.  If you want to be biblical, use incense.  The Wisemen also brought myrrh which forecasted Christ’s sacrifice.  Myrrh is a burial spice similar to formaldehyde or embalming fluid.  I’m sure the Blessed Mother wasn’t exactly thrilled about that gift.  The first two gifts were pretty cool, but that last one, not so much.  There is no sense in Scripture that she knew her Son would die.  But that is why He came.  In 33 years, the reason He came would be fulfilled . . . to suffer in death and to be resurrected so that we would have the means to eternal life.   

Finally, Eucharistic theology is reflected in the creche because Christ laid in a manger where the animals ate, and He became for us the Bread of Life.  His flesh would become the food of life for all of us.  Christ said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink His blood, you have no life in you” (John 6:53).   For the non-Catholics, He is saying that His flesh is real food, and His blood is real drink. 

The Epiphany is a wonderful meditation about the truths of our faith.   I always liked the sheep and wished I could be like them.  Know why?  They realized they had no brains, but they had great humility, and they were there.  They kept our Savior warm.

How will you apply this message to your life? _________________________________________

You can read all of Father Fitzgibbons’ sermons by going to, clicking on “Blog” then “Categories” and then “Sermon Notes.”  On a cell phone: click on “Blog” and then “Menu.”  Scroll to the bottom and click on “Categories.”  Sermon Notes are also available on the Church’s Facebook page at OLA.Catholic.Church.  Click on “Groups” and then “Sermon Notes.”

The Catechism in a Year – Day 75 – Jesus’ Infancy and Hidden Life

Fr. Mike explores the mystery of Jesus’ infancy and hidden life. We first take a look at Jesus’ Baptism, circumcision, and the Epiphany. Fr. Mike discusses that Jesus’ circumcision shows us that salvation comes from the Jews. The Epiphany shows us that salvation does not stop there, it extends to all of us. Later, we examine Jesus’ hidden life. Fr. Mike emphasizes the importance of Jesus’ obedience to not just his Father in Heaven, but to his earthly father and mother as well, and how we can imitate that obedience. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 527-534.

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Sermon Notes – January 8, 2023 – “The Little Church”

“The Little Church”

Father Peter Fitzgibbons

January 7-8, 2023

Gospel:  Matthew 3:13-17

13 Then Jesus appeared: He came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptised by John.  14 John tried to dissuade Him, with the words, ‘It is I who need baptism from You, and yet You come to me!’ 15 But Jesus replied, ‘Leave it like this for the time being; it is fitting that we should, in this way, do all that uprightness demands.’ Then John gave in to Him.  16 And when Jesus had been baptised He at once came up from the water, and suddenly the heavens opened and He saw the Spirit of God  descending like a dove and coming down on Him.  17 And suddenly there was a voice from heaven, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved; my favour rests on Him.’

Today is the Epiphany which is a Greek word that means manifestation and revelation.  There are many of them in Scripture.  Next week we will commemorate another epiphany – the baptism of our Good Lord.   Today is also called the “Little Christmas” because this is when gifts were given to Christ.  It is also a day in which people start taking down their Christmas decorations although some people probably have already taken them down.  The Sacristans will soon remove the Manger, but the poinsettias will stay for a while until they start dropping petals which really drives me nuts.  But it’s sad when they take all that stuff away, especially the Manger or the creche because it calls to mind a lot of things.   However, the highest act of love did not happen on Christmas.  It happened at His Passion, death, and resurrection.  And that is why He came. 

Church is a “what” but it is also a “Who.”   Remember in the Book of Acts, Christ said, “Paul, why are you persecuting Me?”   He didn’t say, “Paul, why are you persecuting the people who tithe and who helped build the buildings.”   He said, “Why are you persecuting Me?”   The Church is Christ.   Therefore, the Manger is the “Little Church.”   By the way, according to Scripture, the family lived in a house. They were not poor – they had a house.  The Manger scene is visible scripture and visible theology.  Because Christ is present, it is Christology (the study of Who Christ is).   Because the Manger is the Little Church, it is also Ecclesiology (the study of what the Church is).  It teaches us about the Church. 

More is revealed through the gifts given by the Magi (the wise men and kings from the East).  They gave Him gold because He is king.  They gave Him frankincense because He is God.  Remember the Jews used incense at the altar in the temple.  In Revelation, incense is present before the throne of God.  So, using incense is scriptural.  I use it sparingly and not like in a military gas chamber.  But if you have a cold, get near the incense and it will clear you right up.  Incense portrays that our Lord is visibly present.  And finally, the Magi gave our Lord myrrh, a burial spice, because of why He came. 

Who do you find around Jesus?  They were all gathered around and looking at Jesus.  They weren’t talking about the latest political scandals.  They prostrated themselves…they didn’t stand and pray… they prostrated themselves as you do before God.  Their faces were in the dirt.  But who was there?  You find the pure – the Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph who are pure of heart.  You find the simple – the shepherds who knew they were ignorant and knew nothing.  They were humble and followed God’s directions like Saint Joseph did.  And you find the wise men who were astrologers and kings from the East.  They were truly educated.  What is the best fruit of an education?  Is it having a bunch of initials after your name?  Is it having a Mensa card in your wallet?  The best fruit of an education is realizing that you don’t know everything.  Even with everything you have learned in the past, there is so much more to learn.   You have just scratched the surface.  The more you learn the more you realize how ignorant you are.   The wise men realized how ignorant they were, and that’s why they came.  They came to be in the presence of Christ.  And that is who you will always find around Christ – the holy, the simple, and the wise.

The Manger is the Church, and it is a beautiful thing to have in your home. Everything is right there in the Manger and very teachable.  So, as you put the Manger scene away for the next 48 weeks or so, remember that you have a beautiful library stashed away.   It is a beautiful meditation on what our Faith is.

How will you apply this message to your life? ________________________________________

You can read all of Father Fitzgibbons’ sermons by going to and clicking on “Blog” then “Categories” then “Sermon Notes.”  On a cell phone: click on “Blog” then “Menu” and then “Categories.”  Sermon Notes are also available on the church Facebook page at  Click on “Groups” and then “Sermon Notes.”

Sermon Notes: January 1-2, 2021 – “Even Superman Gets Sick”

 “Even Superman Gets Sick”

Father Peter Fitzgibbons

 January 1 – 2, 2021

Gospel:  Matthew 2:1-12

As you may already know, the word “epiphany” means a manifestation or revelation.  There have been other epiphanies which are a revelation of who God is.  By our own reason, we can come to the knowledge of God through natural law and reason, but that only gets us so far.  God has to reveal Himself as He did in Genesis so that we can come to love Him.  We cannot gain knowledge of Him without His help. He made prudent use of the Wise Men to reveal Who His son was. 

Remember who Jesus is…the second person in the Blessed Trinity.  He was one “Who” but He was also two “What’s.”  He was one person which is the “Who,” and two “What’s” which are His two natures, human and divine.  We only have a human nature.  That’s all we have; it doesn’t get any better than that.  Jesus had both a human and divine nature.  His human nature He took from the Blessed Mother and is the one He suffered with and that was assumed and lost in His divine nature.  This is shown in the Mass.  I put one drop of water in the chalice of wine, not more and not less.  If I don’t put just one drop of water into the chalice, the Mass is invalid because that is a symbol of Christ’s humanity being assumed and lost in His divinity.  Our eventual goal is to know who He is…King of the Universe.  The Jews worshiped God and offered incense in the Temple.  We use frankincense which symbolizes God.  Read the Old Testament.  Read Revelation in the New Testament.  Incense is the prayers of God’s holy people.  That’s why we use it in church.  It is scriptural prayer. He was presented with myrrh because He was God.  Myrrh was used in burials and represented His coming into the world to die so that we may have an opportunity to get to Heaven.  So, this is a Christological feast. 

Our good Lord reveals Himself so that you can know His Son.  The Wise Men revealed our response to His great love.  They came from a far distance.  We don’t know how far they came or from where.  It could have been from Aquadale, but it was a long distance.  Travel back then was very dangerous.  When the Wise Men came, they left everything to find Jesus.  They risked everything to find Him.  They came to worship and knelt in His presence.  The Wise Men were in the presence of the King, and they knelt in a posture of prayer.  This is our response, whether convenient or inconvenient, to come see God’s great presence.  The Wise Men were no more blessed than we are.   We have God made present.  Yes, the Wise Men saw God in the guise of a child.  We see God in the Blessed Sacrament in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  But we see the same God.  How do I love Thee, God? 

Father’s Afterthoughts:
I am still very, very tired, and the nurses tell me this could last for a while.  One of the symptoms of my illness has been insomnia.  I have been blessed to have so many wonderful people in my parish and also family and friends.  They have all been concerned and called to ask how I’m doing.  And I may not have handled that very well.  I had a beautiful chance for long-suffering patience, and I think I blew it most of the time.  Well, think about it.  A couple of people would call and ask how I’m doing and then want to chat.  Shut up!  My cousin called and asked, “How are you doing?”  I told her I was resting at which point she wanted to chat.  Shut-up!  I’m sick!  I do this for a living, trust me.  You don’t stay long; it’s not a discussion.  Eventually, one of my cousins by-passed me and asked Lori how I was doing.  One of my chaplain friends at the hospital who I’ve known for 33 years and served with overseas was asked by the nurses if he had called me.  He told them he texted me every few days.  He’s sick.  He’s a soldier – just leave him alone.  They occasionally walk by the house and if there’s no smell, they know he’s okay.  So, if I have been short with anyone and been in anything but perfect character, I do apologize and ask for your forgiveness.  Illness is not an excuse, nor does it develop character.  It reveals it.  So, please forgive me.

How will you apply this message to your life? 

You can read all of Father Fitzgibbons’ sermons by going to and clicking on “Blog” then “Categories” and then “Sermon Notes.”   Sermon notes can also be found on the church Facebook page by searching for “Facebook Our Lady of the Annunciation Albemarle”

Minute Meditation – Your Shining Life is the Best Proof

Let’s try to talk about the Transfiguration here—although surely in vain, since this is one of those passages that refuses to be “talked about,” as Jesus himself commands when they descend from their mountaintop experience. The stage is fully set for encounter and for divine intimacy. The “apparition” includes the two symbolic figures of Judaism—the law and the prophets—and the two halves of life—Moses and Elijah. Then Jesus appears between them “in dazzling white” that is always the inclusion of everything, all colors, as it were. After this awesome and consoling epiphany, there is clear mention of “a cloud that overshadows” everything. We have what appears to be full light, yet there is still darkness. Knowing, yet not knowing. Getting it, and yet not getting it at all. Isn’t that the very character of all true Mystery and every in-depth encounter?

The verbal messages are only two: “Beloved Sonship” and “Don’t talk about it.” Clearly Peter, James, and John experienced Jesus’ beloved sonship, but also their own—in being chosen for such a mountaintop moment. Peter’s response is the response of everyman and everywoman, “How good it is to be here!” yet it also expresses an emotion that is described as being “overcome with fear or awe”—exactly what Lutheran theologian Rudolf Otto called the “mysterium tremendum,” wondrous fascination and attraction together with a stunning sense of one’s own littleness and incapacity, both at the same time! That is what holy moments always feel like: I am great beyond belief and I am a little dot in the universe. This experience only needs to happen once, just as it did for Peter, James, and John. That is enough. It will change everything. It is available to all, and I believe, offered to all, at one time or another. You cannot program it, but you can ask for it and should expect it. You will never be able to talk about it, nor do you need to. Your ordinary shining life, different now down in the valley, will be its only and best proof. 

—from the book Wondrous Encounters: Scriptures for Lent
by Richard Rohr, OFM

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