“Do What Mom Says”
Father Peter Fitzgibbons
January 18 – 19, 2025
Gospel: John 2:1-12
Remember the “E” word I’ve been talking about for the past two weeks? Epiphany. What does “epiphany” mean? Manifestation. Well, we have another epiphany. This particular manifestation was of Jesus’ power and love. He performed the first of His miracles by changing 150 gallons of water into wine. That’s pretty impressive. Did Jesus have to do this? No, but He did it because He loved His mother, and she asked Him to do it. It is interesting to read the part of Scripture about Jesus’ response to His mother’s request, “Woman, how does your concern affect Me?” Now, according to Bishop Sheen, a more accurate translation from the original Greek is, “Woman, who are thee to Me?” Really? That sounds rather rude. Try saying that to your mother or wife and see how it works out for you. You just might end up in intensive care. But this was the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry and His first miracle. It was also the beginning of Mary’s secondary role – not only was she the Mother of Jesus, but she was also to become the Mother of all mankind. She came to this realization at the foot of the Cross in Calvary. The Blessed Mother is a powerful intercessor with her Son. People ask me, “Father, pray for me.” I’d be happy to; it’s my job, and I appreciate the faith you have in me to ask. However, who do you think would get a better hearing? Me? I mean, I’m pretty wonderful, but you know . . . the Blessed Mother might have me beat. Besides, who can refuse their mother anything?
Jesus told the waiters to fill the stone jars with water. Now, did they have a water hose? No. They hauled buckets from the well. The water they drew from the well resulted in 150 gallons of the best wine. That sounds like my family reunions . . . I have a thirsty family. Filling the jars and then lifting them out of the well would have taken a lot of upper-body strength. It also took a fair amount of time. But they did as they were told.
What is the primary way to holiness? Obedience. When Jesus told the waiters to fill the jars with water, can you imagine what was going on in the back of their minds? “Are you kidding me? What is this idiot thinking?” After filling the jars with water, they were told to take them to the head waiter. Even though they didn’t understand why they were taking the water to the head waiter, they did as they were told. What happened after that? A wonderful thing happened . . . the water was changed into wine – in fact, it was the best wine, above and beyond anyone’s expectations. Normally, you wait until people are smashed and then give them the lesser wine. But this was the best wine, and it was saved for last. That’s the fruit of obedience. After the water was turned into wine, it was then the waiters understood, and they saw the result of their obedience. They obeyed even though they didn’t understand. This is what our Lord asks of us; to keep His Commandments and to do what He asks us to do. You may be thinking, “Oh, that’s so old-fashioned.” Look at the results before you criticize. Besides, it’s in Scripture. If we do what our Lord asks us to do, we will receive unbelievable rewards. What kinds of unbelievable rewards? Himself. All the other stuff is a mere representation of His love for us, just as the gifts we give each other are reflections of what is in our hearts.
I’ve been around a long time and have gone to a lot of conferences, probably not as many as I should have because they drive me nuts, and most of them are worthless. I’d rather be on an escape and evasion course because I know there’s an end to it. “Oh! You must buy this book; it’s great! You can increase the spirituality of your parish.” So, I bought the book, and it’s a real fire starter. In the book, this one priest was having a tough day, so he put on his prayer shawl and lit his prayer candle. Hey Father, you’re breaking my heart. Why don’t you get your ”beep” to the church and pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament? I do believe you have a key. Go pray in the presence of our Lord. I find nothing in Scripture about prayer candles. It’s a bunch of dribble. So, save yourself some money on silly books.
It may take a while but God always rewards obedience to His Word. The best spiritual advice given is the last words spoken by the Blessed Mother: “Do whatever He tells you.” Do what mom says.
Father’s Reflections . . . When I was in Wilmington last week, I saw a lady I know who does jewelry work to benefit a battered women’s shelter. This lady asked me, “Hey, Father, would you like a praying hands pen?” I said, “Thank you very much, but no. I already have two praying hands, and they are attached.”
How will you apply this message to your life? _________________________________________
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