The Catechism in a Year – Day 326 – Envy and Jealousy

Envy is “the diabolical sin,” says St. Augustine. Christians should better understand this capital sin, its manifestations, and the temptation toward envy of God and neighbor. In this episode, Fr. Mike considers jealousy and envy, noting man’s desire to covet and lust. He explains that the tenth commandment develops and completes the ninth. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2534-2543.

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The Catechism in a Year – Day 55 – The Fall of the Angels

Fr. Mike explores the fall of the angels, and how their fall leads to our own “fall into death out of envy.” Together, we examine what caused some of the angels to fall, whether it be pride or envy, and how it affects humanity’s reality within creation. Fr. Mike concludes with a commentary on the mystery of why Divine Providence permits evil and the actions of the fallen angels. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 391-395.

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Sr. Anne Elizabeth Sweet – June 12, 2021

Like mother. Like Son. Like Son. Like mother.

The sacred, pure heart of Jesus. The immaculate, undefiled heart of Mary.   How does such a heart come to be? Clearly the initiative is God’s, who prepares the human heart to be his dwelling place. At the same time, the human heart must be receptive and cooperative with this work of God, open to the power of the Spirit at work within. Like Mary, who found favor with God.   

Mary knew that a place must be readied, there must be room in her heart for God. It

must be rid of all clutter, the kinds of things that Jesus said rendered the heart defiled: evil thoughts, greed, malice, deceit, envy, arrogance, anger, and hatred. Such things are not of God. They leave no room in the heart for the Word of God to speak.   

A pure heart treasures the Word and ponders it. As did Mary, as did Jesus. How else could they have recognized it as a word for their own lives? Mary, when visiting Elizabeth or when hearing the words Jesus spoke to her in today’s Gospel. Jesus, so often at prayer, finding help for his temptations and for direction in his ministry.   A pure heart knows the power of the Word of God to reveal who we are and who we are to become. A pure heart knows the power of the Word of God to continually create anew.   

Like mother. Like Son. So may the heart of each of us become.