How Do I Know if I Made the Wrong Choice?

Each day of our lives we make countless decisions. Many of them have small consequences, good or bad. But what about the BIG decisions we make, like what career to be in, who to marry, or what vocation to follow?

Today Fr. Mike delves into the four principles surrounding our vocational discernment and what to do if we feel like we’ve made the “wrong decision” in that area of our lives.

Minute Meditation – A Journey of Decisions

In the long days and longer nights before the Dream came true, Francis wondered if the Journey he had set upon would really bring him to his destination. When he was a boy, every trip he took out beyond the walls of Assisi brought him to some place where he could say, “I’m here in this place; I have arrived.” But this Journey was different. It pointed to the very roots of Christ’s own life. Its end was somewhere in the real meaning of Jesus’ words. It was a trip backward to the literal gospel life and forward into the Kingdom and inward to the heart where dwelled the Trinity. And you could never say, “I have arrived.” It was a Journey of decisions as radical as the gospel itself. At every fork in the road, there was a narrow, difficult way and a wide, easy way to travel. And Francis was continually surprised with the paradoxical joy that the harder road would bring, time after time. Still, at every road the easier way attracted him with almost hypnotic persuasion.

—from the book Francis: The Journey and the Dream
by Murray Bodo, OFM, page

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60 Second Wisdom – The Most Important Moment in Your Life

The Most Important Moment in Your Life – Learn How to Master Life – Matthew Kelly – 60 Second Wisdom

“The most important moment in your life is the moment of decision. Learn to master the moment of decision and you will live a life uncommon. Becoming a great decision maker is one of life’s most important skills.

Every day you make hundreds of decisions, and your decisions determine the quality and direction of your life.

Here are 5 tips for making better decisions:
1. Determine if it is a major decision or a smaller, even trivial decision.
2. Give yourself time (if possible). Don’t make the decision before you have to.
3. Write down the pros and cons.
4. Consider your values and goals.
5. Seek counsel from the wisest person you know.

We build our lives one choice at a time. Make it a goal to become a better decision maker every year for the rest of your life.”

60 Second Wisdom: The 4 “isms” That Are Ruining Your Life, And How to Break Free – Matthew Kelly

“Philosophy” means lover of wisdom. Are you a lover of wisdom? Do you believe the more wisdom you have the happier and more fulfilling your life will be? Most people don’t, and that’s why the ISMS rise up in every place and time and destroy people’s loves.

The four practical philosophies ruling our age are:
Individualism. What’s in it for me?
Hedonism. If it feels good, do it.
Minimalism. What is the least I can do?
Materialism. Materials possessions are more important than character and values.

Every day you make hundreds of decisions. Are you trying to make wise choices or are you wrapped up in the ISMS of our age? Do you have a process for making decisions or are you just doing the best you can in each situation?

Let me share with you a way that will help you start making better decisions right now, today. Whatever the decision, just ask yourself: What will help me and others become the-best-versions-of-ourselves?”