Think about some of the best conversations you’ve ever had. And then imagine a conversation that’s even more hopeful and inspiring than any of those. This is what a conversation with God can be like. He speaks in lots of different ways—sometimes he’s loud—other times, he’s so subtle and quiet you nearly miss what he’s trying to say. Whatever his message—it’s worth hearing. All it takes to hear it is the courage to begin the conversation.
Minute Meditation – Christ Our Hope Has Risen

“Mercy and Love have conquered sin! We need faith and hope in order to open ourselves to this new and marvelous horizon. And we know that faith and hope are gifts from God, and we need to ask for them: ‘Lord, grant me faith, grant me hope! I need them so much!’ The silent witness to the events of Jesus’s Passion and Resurrection was Mary. She stood beside the Cross: she did not fold in the face of pain; her faith made her strong. In the broken heart of the Mother, the flame of hope was kept ever burning. Let us ask her to help us too to fully accept the Easter proclamation of the Resurrection, so as to embody it in the concreteness of our daily lives.”—Pope Francis
The Gospels of Easter week unfold the mystery of the resurrection through those who were its first witnesses. In their words and in their actions we have a model for our own lives. The first reading, from the Acts of the Apostles, shows us how Peter and the others were inspired to speak out in ways that they never dreamed of before the resurrection. And Matthew’s Gospel reminds us that from the beginning, there was opposition from those who felt threatened by this new movement of the Spirit. Our day is not much different. Sometimes our faith moves us outward with great joy and fervent hope. But sometimes we need to go within, to renew our strength and our courage in quiet times of prayer. Depending on the circumstances of our lives this year, we might not be feeling the exuberant joy we expect in this season of Easter. Illness, death, unemployment, depression, and other human realities don’t necessarily happen according to the liturgical year. But in a time when it seems the only constant is change, our faith—and even more, our hope—reminds us that God’s love will always be there for us.
The beauty of the liturgical seasons is that they offer us a new chance each year to experience the richness of God’s work of salvation in our lives. Each year we grow a bit more in our faith. Each year the events in our lives offer us new insight into what the resurrection means for us and our loved ones. What one thing is different about your life this Easter?
— from the book The Hope of Lent: Daily Reflections from Pope Francis,
by Diane M. Houdek
//Franciscan Media//
Morning Offering – Steer Safely Through Every Storm
“We shall steer safely through every storm, so long as our heart is right, our intention fervent, our courage steadfast, and our trust fixed on God.”
— St. Francis de Sales
Daily Meditation – Good Resolutions

“When we make a good resolution, we merely consider the beauty and excellence of virtue, which attracts even the most vapid minds, but we never consider the difficulties of attaining it. Consequently, cowardly souls are dismayed at the first sign of trouble and they hurriedly abandon their project. For this reason, it would be better for you to consider the difficulties which occur in acquiring virtue, rather than the virtues themselves, and to prepare yourself accordingly. You may rest assured that the greater courage you show in conquering yourself or defeating your enemies, the sooner will your difficulties diminish, and they will gradually vanish.”— Dom Lorenzo Scupoli, p. 94
Meditation of the Day – Undertake Great Tasks

“Undertake courageously great tasks for God’s glory, to the extent that he’ll give you power and grace for this purpose. Even though you can do nothing on your own, you can do all things in him. His help will never fail you if you have confidence in his goodness. Place your entire physical and spiritual welfare in his hands. Abandon to the fatherly concern of his divine providence every care for your health, reputation, property, and business; for those near to you; for your past sins; for your soul’s progress in virtue and love of him; for your life, death, and especially your salvation and eternity—in a word, all your cares. Rest in the assurance that in his pure goodness, he’ll watch with particular tenderness over all your responsibilities and cares, arranging all things for the greatest good.”— St. John Eudes, p. 363
The Bible in a Year – Day 81 – Israel Crosses the Jordan

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As we begin our reading of the book Joshua, Fr. Mike draws our attention to God’s power as he parts the waters of the Jordan river, allowing the Israelites to walk across on dry land. We learn that following God often requires great courage and trust. Today’s readings are Joshua 1-4, and Psalm 123.

The Bible in a Year – Day 128 – Mighty Men of Valor

As we continue to read about how King David expands his kingdom, Fr. Mike points out the mighty men of valor, who were men of great courage, honor and excellence that fought in Israel’s battles. Today’s readings are 2 Samuel 10, 1 Chronicles 13, and Psalm 31.
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The Bible in a Year – Day 157 – Following Jesus
The Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz – Day 157: Following Jesus. Fr. Mike emphasizes that following Jesus as his disciples requires remarkable humility, faith, purity of heart, and courage. Today’s readings are Mark 7-8 and Psalm 23. Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children – parental discretion is advised.

The Bible in a Year – Day 307 – Courage in Battle

Today, Fr. Mike discusses the confidence that faith in God can provide as we fight the battles of our lives. He also engages with the riddles found in Wisdom 10 and points out that we can now not only understand the characters, stories, and allusions of Scripture, but can recognize the fingerprints of God in the world around us and better understand the main character of Scripture: God. Today’s readings are 2 Maccabees 10, Wisdom 9-10, and Proverbs 25:4-7.
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