Dynamic Catholic – 1st Sunday of Advent – Get Right to the Core

Get Right To The Core

What do you think is the most important thing you can do this Advent? Could it be searching for unique gifts, concocting the perfect eggnog, or decorating the most festive tree?

TODAY’S GOSPEL IS LUKE 21:25-28 & 34-36

While these activities certainly help make the season bright, the best thing you can do is to become a better-version-of-yourself. In a culture that makes Advent the most chaotic time of the year, it’s up to you to decide to walk away from the stress of the season and focus on what matters most.

Who would you become by December 25th if your first priority was to look for ways to humbly serve? Join Allen as he explores this question and shares a memory of how service not only helped him love others more deeply, but changed who he was at the core.

Meditation of the Day – God Has a Plan

“When one is given the Spirit of wisdom, one is able to perceive God’s fingerprints upon the wonders of the world. One is able to see the pattern God has established in history (world history, faith history, and even our own personal history). This should leave us with a sense of comfort, for it means that life is not chaotic. God has a plan.” — Rev. Jude Winkler, OFM, p.62

//The Catholic Company//