Saint of the Day – Pope Saint Evaristus – October 26
Saints of the Day – Saints Crispin & Crispinian – October 25
Saint of the Day – Saint Anthony Mary Claret – October 24
Saint of the Day – Saint John of Capistrano- October 23
Why You’ll Never Be Strong Enough
If you’ve ever planned to become so holy that you don’t need God’s help anymore, then this video is for you.
Self-reliance is a virtue lauded by modern society in the west. But not only does Jesus warn against it, self-reliance… just… doesn’t even work.
Today, Fr. Mike proposes an alternative that will change your life. Spoiler: it involves relying on someone else…
What’s Inside a Humble Heart?
“But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for the Lord sees not as man sees; man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.’” – 1 Samuel 16:7
What does God see when he looks into our hearts? Does he see a humble, contrite and broken heart, that he will not spurn?
Today Fr. Mike Schmitz shares a word of encouragement from the book of 1 Samuel for how to shape our hearts so that the Lord can be present to them and abide in them.
Prideful? Here’s How to Stop and Be Humble
Today Fr. Mike encourages us to consider pursuing this one antidote in combatting pride and to helping you grow in humility today!
Sneaky Ways to Be Prideful (and How to Stop)
“I don’t… think… I’m prideful…?”
Great! If you examine your actions and intentions and you don’t detect any obvious pride, that’s a wonderful thing. But as each one of us grows deeper in relationship with Jesus, he will reveal ever more nuanced ways that pride can sneak its way into our lives, giving us opportunities to reveal those places to Jesus and letting him perfect us.
Today, Fr. Mike uncovers some of those sneaky areas of our life where pride can burrow itself and cause major problems.