The Real Reason You Keep Messing Up
Do you know what the problem is that keeps you making the same sins over and over again?
Are you sure?
Today, Fr. Mark-Mary challenges you to look deeper at the roots of your mistakes, determine the causes, and make a change.
How to Stop Worrying About the Future (and Be in the Here and Now)
Your imagination is a powerful gift from God, and your freedom to focus carries immense responsibility. When we surrender our future to God, it can be tempting to focus on that unknown future instead of the here and now. It can be tempting to imagine what things might be like… especially for the worse.
Today, Fr. Mark-Mary challenges us to discipline our imaginations and focus the way that an athlete disciplines his or her own body, and gives us a few tips to stay grounded and present in the moment.
3 Levels of Healing (and Where to Start)
Just like there are different levels of maintenance we have to keep up with in our homes, there are different levels of maintenance in our spiritual lives. This can be delicate, difficult, and sometimes messy work.
So, while Fr. Mark-Mary is not a mental health professional, he’s here to share a couple tips and fundamentals that will help anyone get back on track.
How to Be Grateful All the Time, No Matter What
In the busyness of our lives, it can be easy to focus on the things we wish were different instead of the blessings we’ve been given. In fact, St. Ignatius actually thought that ingratitude was one of the gravest sins we could commit against God. So how can we grow in gratitude daily?
Today, Fr. Mark-Mary and Danielle Bean explain how we can practice being grateful all the time—no matter our circumstances or state of life.
Season 3, Episode 4 – The Cross, Resurrection & Ascension
Ben and Sarah discuss how Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension cleared the way for you to receive the ultimate blessing. Do you know what it is?
Click on link to watch:
Feast Day – May 13 – Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord
After Jesus’ Resurrection from the dead, He continued to appear to His disciples for a period of 40 days. After this time, with His Apostles gathered around Him on the Mount of Olives, Jesus was taken up bodily into heaven, as recorded in the Gospels. To comfort them in His physical absence, He promised to send them a Consoler and Advocate, the Holy Spirit, to be with them and to guide them into all truth until the end of the world. The Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord is celebrated on the 40th day after Easter Sunday, also called Ascension Thursday. It is a Holy Day of Obligation, and among the oldest and most solemn feasts on the liturgical calendar. In many dioceses the celebration of the feast is transferred to the following Sunday.
//The Catholic Company//