God is Bigger Than That

BIGGER than alone,

BIGGER than scared,

BIGGER than misunderstood,

BIGGER than displaced,

BIGGER than angry,

BIGGER than intimidated,

BIGGER than on the edge,

BIGGER than abandoned,

BIGGER than heartbroken,

BIGGER than inadequate,

BIGGER than worn out,

BIGGER than taken advantage of,

BIGGER than not able to,

BIGGER than homesick,

BIGGER than disappointed,

BIGGER than reluctant,

BIGGER than defeated,

BIGGER than tempted,

BIGGER than discouraged,

BIGGER than anxious,

BIGGER than numb,

BIGGER than ashamed,

BIGGER than unworthy,

BIGGER than overwhelmed,

BIGGER than confused,

BIGGER than overlooked,

BIGGER than not good enough,

BIGGER than frustrated,

BIGGER than stuck in the middle,

BIGGER than uncertain,

BIGGER than incompetent,

BIGGER than betrayed,

BIGGER than depressed,

BIGGER than outnumbered,

BIGGER than rejected,

BIGGER than shy,

BIGGER than forgotten,

BIGGER than stuck in a rut,

BIGGER than hopeless,

BIGGER than done,

BIGGER than inferior,

BIGGER than unstable,

BIGGER than lost,

BIGGER than insecure,

BIGGER than headed backward,

BIGGER than trapped,

BIGGER than coming undone,

BIGGER than guilty,

BIGGER than . . . ~❤️

~Stacy L. Sanchez


Forgive Them Anyway

Forgiving someone who has hurt us
is one of the hardest things
God requires us to do.
And yet,
He forgave me.
And He forgave you.
When I stop and think
about God’s mercy and grace –
forgiveness so undeserved,
but so lavishly given to me –
it helps me
extend it
to others.
Not always without struggle.
Not always without many tears and much anger.
Not always as soon as I should.
Not always as completely as I should.
Sometimes it is
me on bent knees
praying honestly
and begrudgingly –
“But Lord, they . . .”
to which I always
hear God’s gentle reply:
“I know, My Child.
Forgive them anyway.”
Our Father knows
just how very hard
forgiveness is.
He knows first hand
the cost of forgiveness.
He understands
the wrong done to us,
the pain inflicted,
the wound left behind.
And He wants to bring healing.
This is what forgiveness does.
It doesn’t excuse the wrong.
It doesn’t pretend nothing happened.
Forgiveness acknowledges the hurt
and then,
by the grace of God
(how could you without it?)
chooses to extend grace.
As forgiveness floods over us,
it washes away
bitterness and anger.
Maybe not all at once,
but definitely over time.
(just being honest)
you have to choose
to forgive
over and over again.
But given enough time
and given enough grace
even the deepest wounds
can be healed.
“But Lord, they . . .”
“I know, My Child.
Forgive them anyway.”
He did it for us.
With His Spirit
at work in us
and through us,
we can do it, too.~❤
~Stacy L. Sanchez

Heartprints of God