The Bible in a Year – Day 118 – King Saul Despairs

Fr. Mike reflects on King Saul’s despair in the face of trial, and how he seeks other means of comfort when he feels like God has abandoned him. God never abandons us, especially in the midst of danger. Fr. Mike invites us to place our trust in God’s promise, instead of resorting to sinful acts. Today’s readings are 1 Samuel 27-28 and Psalm 34.

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The Bible in a Year – Day 125 – Covenant with David

Fr. Mike highlights the moment God makes a covenant with David, promising him an everlasting dynasty, but reserving the building of the Temple to David’s son Solomon. He also teaches us how 2 Samuel 7 foreshadows the fact that the Blessed Mother is the new Ark of the Covenant. Today’s readings are 2 Samuel 6-7, 1 Chronicles 9, and Psalm 89.

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