Bringing Order to Your Life

When you clean and organize a room, you have to ask one very important question first: what is this room for? Once you can answer that, everything begins falling into place.

In order to direct and order your own life, you must ask that same question. What is your life for? What is the primary purpose of the one life you’ve been given?

Fr. Mike proposes that, when you can answer that question, everything in your life will begin falling into place for you. And he might even take a crack at answering that question for you.

Ascension Presents: The Bible in 10 Minutes

The Bible is amazing… but sometimes confusing and hard to read. How can we understand the whole story?

From Ascension and Fr. Mike Schmitz—creators of the Bible in a Year podcast—comes a beautiful, clear, shareable summary of the story of salvation: the Bible in 10 Minutes. If you’ve never had the whole narrative summarized for you (or if you could use a refresher), this video will change your perspective on humanity’s relationship with God.

How to Say Hard Things

Navigating healthy relationships can be so difficult.

Developing good relationships—whether friendships or romantic ones—and deepening them in a fragile world can be challenging. We can be tempted to leave a relationship or dissolve a friendship when things become difficult or when we’re hurt by the other person. It can be challenging to work on deepening these relationships when others have said hurtful or difficult things—but that doesn’t mean we should throw in the towel.

Today, Fr. Mark-Mary challenges us to go beyond surface-level friendships and work on deepening our relationships—even though they can be fragile and hard to maintain.

Theology of the Body – Session One – From the Beginning

This video is one installment of a 4-part series on the Theology of the Body presented by Fr. Mike. For free access to the entire series, please visit

If the deepest secret of God is that God is love, and he made you in his image and likeness, then what’s the deepest secret about you? You are made for love. What does it mean to be human? What was God’s original plan for humanity? For relationships? For marriage? For sex? Why is the body important? In these four lessons, Fr. Mike leans into the teachings of St. John Paul II and Christopher West, unpacking the mysteries of the human heart, the human body, and relationships. In this first lesson, we learn about the origins of the Theology of the Body, what it means, and why what we do with our bodies matters. We are taken back to the beginning in Genesis Chapters 1-3, the creation of Adam and Eve. Despite their differences as male and female, we discover how they were equal in terms of dignity yet complementary in their differences.

This series is brought to you for free by Fr. Mike’s local ministry, bulldogCatholic. This series is worth more than $80, but bulldogCatholic is providing it free of cost to you. Please donate to support their mission!…

If this information is as fascinating to you as it is to us, you can dive deeper with Christopher West and the @TheologyoftheBodyInstitute

Theology of the Body – Session Two – Adultery in the Heart

This video is one installment of a 4-part series on the Theology of the Body presented by Fr. Mike. For free access to the entire series, please visit

“But I say to you that every one who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Matthew 5:28

Sin has broken the world for men and women. Because of sin, our relationships with God, with each other, and even in our own hearts are broken. But as Fr. Mike encourages us during this second lesson, Jesus is on our side. He came to redeem our ethos and give us a new heart. The Theology of the Body highlights the fact that in the beginning, a broken world did not exist. In the beginning, we were free to love and be loved fully. But now, for men and women, that freedom has often become twisted in our hearts. We can find ourselves desiring to use another person. If you find yourself in circumstances where you have fallen in these areas, remember that it’s not just about discipline or grit. Above all, it’s about grace. If you fall, just keep praying. If you fall, fall into the confessional. And if you feel empty, fill yourself with Jesus in the Eucharist.

This series is brought to you for free by Fr. Mike’s local ministry, bulldogCatholic. This series is worth more than $80, but bulldogCatholic is providing it free of cost to you. Please donate to support their mission!…

If this information is as fascinating to you as it is to us, you can dive deeper with Christopher West and the @TheologyoftheBodyInstitute

Theology of the Body – Session Three – Language of the Body 

This video is one installment of a 4-part series on the Theology of the Body presented by Fr. Mike. For free access to the entire series, please visit

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” John 13:34

The word “love” can often be overused and undervalued. In this third lesson of the Theology of the Body Crash Course, Fr. Mike outlines love. He explains the four different kinds of love, the four marks of God’s love, and how the body intrinsically has a language in and of itself. To be made in God’s image and likeness means that he made us to love like him. To love as he loves involves the four kinds of love: storge, eros, philia, and agapé. Within those four kinds of love, we find four markers of God’s love:

1. It is always free

2. It is always total

3. It is always faithful

4. It is always fruitful

Our body has a language, and we are constantly saying something. Speaking the language of the body takes time and practice, but it’s worth it. Why? Because we will be speaking the language for the purpose for which we were created: love. This series is brought to you for free by Fr. Mike’s local ministry, bulldogCatholic.

This series is worth more than $80, but bulldogCatholic is providing it free of cost to you. Please donate to support their mission!…

If this information is as fascinating to you as it is to us, you can dive deeper with Christopher West and the @TheologyoftheBodyInstitute

Theology of the Body – Session Four – What Does This Mean for Your Life?

This video is one installment of a 4-part series on the Theology of the Body presented by Fr. Mike. For free access to the entire series, please visit

“And now, O Lord, I am not taking this sister of mine because of lust, but with sincerity. Grant that I may find mercy and may grow old together with her.” Tobit 8:7

In this fourth and final installment of the Theology of the Body Crash Course, we apply these teachings to Scripture. We look at the marriage of Tobias and Sarah and a reading from Song of Songs. We learn how the promises made during the sacrament of the Rite of Marriage bear the four marks of God’s love. Fr. Mike Schmitz then highlights three ways in which our society works against love that is free, total, faithful, and fruitful: through the use of contraception, pornography, and homosexuality (same-sex attraction). Summarizing what we’ve learned in each session, Fr. Mike instructs us in fasting, looking someone in the eyes, and saying no to ourselves. Implementing this way of life is a process, not an event.

We end this course with the words of Jesus and St. John Paul II: “Be not afraid.”

This series is brought to you for free by Fr. Mike’s local ministry, bulldogCatholic. This series is worth more than $80, but bulldogCatholic is providing it free of cost to you. Please donate to support their mission!…

If This Isn’t the Life You Asked for . . .

If This Isn’t the Life You Asked for . . .

Who is orchestrating your life? If it’s God—and not you—what will you say to him? Fr. Mike suggests trying “yes.”

Whether life circumstances bring the best out of you or the worst out of you, you need Jesus more than you think you do. And that is a very good thing. Here’s why.

//Ascension – YouTube – 4/22/2024//