The Catechism in a Year – Day 301 – Peace

Peace is not simply an absence of war. Fr. Mike breaks down the Catechism’s teachings about peace as the “work of justice and the effect of charity.” We learn that to cultivate true peace, we must do more than avoid anger, hatred, and harm to our neighbor; we must actively work toward becoming agents of peace. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2302-2306.

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The Catechism in a Year – Day 300 – Science, Bodily Integrity, and the Dead

The Catechism looks at matters relating to scientific research, bodily integrity, and the dead with the lens of the dignity of the human person. Fr. Mike helps us navigate the Catechism’s teachings by acknowledging science and technology as a good while emphasizing restrictions and conditions to ensure respect for the dignity of persons. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2292-2301.

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The Catechism in a Year – Day 299 – Respect for Health

Our health is a gift from God, and so we have a responsibility to care for it. Fr. Mike emphasizes the importance of caring for our health while also explaining that we cannot idolize our health and bodies as an absolute good. If we do idolize health, it can greatly distort the way we view the dignity of those around us. He also unpacks the virtue of temperance, defining it as, “doing the right thing, in the right way, at the right time.” Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2288-2291.

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The Catechism in a Year – Day 298 – Respect for Others

We have seen how harming ourselves or others physically is a violation of the fifth commandment, but how can causing harm to another’s virtue or integrity violate this commandment? Fr. Mike unpacks what scandal is and exactly how it is a violation of the fifth commandment. He emphasizes the gravity of scandal when it comes from those who, by nature, teach, and how vital it is for all of us, but especially teachers, to avoid contributing to scandal. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2284-2287.

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The Catechism in a Year – Day 297 – The Cross of Suicide

The cross of suicide is a violation of the fifth commandment that, tragically, many of us have been impacted by in our world today. Fr. Mike explains that we are stewards of the life that God has entrusted to us, not owners. Our lives are precious gifts, and we have a responsibility to care for them. He also emphasizes that we should not lose hope for the eternal salvation of those who take their own lives. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2280-2283.

Listener discretion advised. This episode contains references to suicide. If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, please contact someone you can trust and/or contact the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988 (available 24 hours everyday). You are loved, you are beautiful, and you are absolutely irreplaceable.

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The Catechism in a Year – Day 296 – The Sin of Euthanasia

We continue our examination of the fifth commandment, taking a closer look at the sin of euthanasia. Fr. Mike emphasizes that whatever the motive, the action of ending a life in order to eliminate suffering is still a sin. He also emphasizes that palliative care, however, is an important and special form of charity and love. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2276-2279.

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The Catechism in a Year – Day 295 – The Wound of Abortion

Together, with Fr. Mike, we examine the wound of abortion. Fr. Mike emphasizes that all human life deserves protection, especially the unborn, but he also emphasizes the importance of God’s mercy. He explains that those who have procured an abortion are excommunicated, subject to the conditions established by Canon Law. However, the excommunication does not limit the scope of God’s mercy, but rather highlights the gravity of the sin. Fr. Mike concludes by highlighting that if abortion is a part of your story, you are encouraged to take the step towards confession and forgiveness, to be met with mercy and love and be welcomed home. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2270-2275.

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The Catechism in a Year – Day 294 – Homicide

Continuing our examination of the fifth commandment, we look at various ways in which one may sin against this commandment as it relates to homicide. The Catechism addresses three categories of homicide: direct and intentional killing, indirectly killing, and unintentionally killing. Fr. Mike explores this grave topic with resonating examples and explains the varying degrees of moral culpability. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2268-2269.

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The Catechism in a Year – Day 293 – Legitimate Defense

Is there ever a time where legitimate defense is justifiable? The Catechism answers this question and how it relates to honoring the dignity of the human person as we dive deeper into the fifth commandment. We learn about defense of ourselves and others, principles of crime and punishment, and capital punishment. Fr. Mike also explains the Church’s current teaching on the death penalty and why it has changed over time. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2263-2267.

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The Catechism in a Year – Day 292 – Respect for Human Life

We begin exploring the fifth commandment: “you shall not kill”. The Catechism reminds us that human life is sacred, and we must not take the life of another innocent human. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus takes this commandment even further as he calls us to avoid anger, hatred, and vengeance in addition to loving our enemies. By forgiving and extending to others the same love and mercy we are willing to extend to ourselves, we are respecting the dignity of that person. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2258-2262.

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