As we enter the final week of Advent and the nights grow rapidly darker and colder, let us remember that “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness; and the darkness grasped it not” (John 1:4-5). The Christ Child draws near and a new and glorious morn approaches. May we ready our hearts and minds.
4th Week of Lent – The Prodigal You – Will You Return to Him?
The story of the prodigal son is a picture of God’s deep love for us as His beloved children. God, the compassionate Father, longs for you to return to Him and welcome you home with outstretched arms.
This week, we place ourselves in the shoes of the prodigal son and search in our hearts where we need compassion from the Father. No matter what mistakes you’ve made in the past, now is the time to return and allow God’s infinite mercy and forgiveness to embrace you.
God wants to give you more. How will you respond this Lent?

3rd Week of Lent – See Yourself as Jesus Sees You
Imagine if you could see yourself the way Jesus sees you. Even in the midst of our sins, struggles, and failures, Jesus looks upon us with love as His Beloved. All He asks for us is to meet His gaze and fall in love with Him in return.
This week, we turn toward Jesus and let ourselves be fully seen by Him no matter where we find ourselves in life. Be not afraid of standing before Jesus unhidden and allow God to clearly see and completely love you.
God wants to give you more. How will you respond this Lent?

2nd Week of Lent – What Can Jesus Do for Me This Lent?
Do you long for direction in your life? Do you find yourself creating your own path, and getting lost? Hitting dead ends?
Life can hit hard, and when it hits hard, who do we run to? We sure don’t run to a fantasy. Who is Jesus? We’ve learned these past few weeks that he was a human just like us. But is he more than that? More than just a nice guy, or a wise teacher? Is he truly our Lord who can save us?
God wants to give you more. How will you respond this Lent?
Fr. Mark Toups, an experienced spiritual director, leads readers inward to invite the Lord to heal those areas where they need it most. He follows the same format that more than a hundred thousand people enjoyed in Advent with his popular Rejoice! journals. Readers will receive daily guidance as well as supplemental videos, to help enter more deeply into Lent and remain focused throughout the season.
The Ascension Lenten Companion: Year C Presented by Fr. Mark Toups Product Owner: Julia Bernetsky
Producer/Director: Matt Pirrall
DP: Sean Boyd
Production/Editing: Coronation Media

First Week of Lent: From Uncertainty to Trust
Fr. Mark Toups shows us how Mary and Joseph had to rely on God. They couldn’t do anything by themselves, and neither can we. We all have uncertainty about the future sometimes, but God wants to transform this uncertainty into trust in Him.