Sermon Notes – November 10, 2024 – “Are You Grateful?”
“Are You Grateful?”
Father Peter Fitzgibbons
November 9 – 10, 2024
Gospel: Mark 12:38-44
I’m in bit of a conundrum because I prepared a wonderful sermon, brief but wonderful, on the Gospel just not this Gospel. Oops! So, would you like to hear a sermon that I come up with by the seat of my pants or would you like to hear the short one on another Gospel? Seat of my pants? Not happening.
Remember the story about the ten lepers who were cured by Jesus but only one came back to thank Him? That was a lesson on prayer for the Apostles to show them how few say, “thank you.” The lepers asked God for a favor, and when God cured them, they went away. Jesus was surprised that only one man came back to thank Him. You don’t surprise God. I don’t care how original you think you are. You don’t surprise God. But God did that to drive home the point to the Apostles about how important gratitude is in prayer. We are ungrateful children sometimes, which hurts both our spiritual and mental health lives. We sink into a funk. “Oh God doesn’t love me.” Well make a gratitude list. In all 12-Step Programs, they tell people to make a list of things they are grateful for. “How long of a list? Five or ten things?” Oh, about 100. “What do you mean a hundred?” Well, that’s easy. Are you breathing? Put that at the top of the list. Is your heart beating? That’s number two. “But I’m not happy.” I see that. You are so self-centered it’s unbelievable. Make a gratitude list.
There are so many things to be grateful to God for. I tell people at funerals to be grateful you had someone you loved and who loved you. It’s not forever in this life; in the next one, yes. Be grateful you had them for so long. My family bailed out on me early. I don’t blame them at all, to tell you the truth. But my family reunions are a lot easier, cheaper, and quieter. But I loved them, and they loved me. “But I don’t have this, and I don’t have that.” Well, I don’t have a Bentley, and that keeps me up at night. I go to the Bentley dealership and just cry. I don’t have a lot, but I have all that I want. I have more than ever I needed and more than I ever wanted except for bacon. That will come in Heaven. Extra crispy please, Lord.
Be grateful for what you have. It is a great addition to spiritual life. You know what else is a good addition to spiritual life? Spending time with God. In prayer, we go to God and tell Him what we need and thank Him for the blessings He has given us. Okay, conversation over; time to move on. God is perfection in courtesy which comes from the virtues of love, charity, and respect. Prayer takes time. “What are you waiting for Father?” I’m waiting for God to say, “You’re welcome.” It is inconsiderate if you walk away from God after saying “Thank you,” without waiting for Him to say, “You’re welcome.” Have you ever thought about that? “Hey, I’m doing fine. I said, ‘thank you, didn’t I?” Perfect! You are growing right along. When we say, “thank you” to people, we expect them to say, “You’re welcome.” When you thank God in prayer, take some time to wait and listen because He will always respond and say “You’re welcome. I love you.”
When Jesus tells you to do something in prayer, do it. Don’t worry about the results – just do it. You will be surprised at the results. He showers His gifts on the just and the unjust in life. He gives His gifts to the unjust so that they might turn their hearts to Him. He still loves them and even their sins cannot stop His love. He gives His gifts to the just to keep them encouraged, to reassure them that He is watching over them, to let them know that He hasn’t forgotten about them, and so that they may have gifts to give others to show God’s love for them. That is why God cured the lepers.
How will you apply this message to your life? ________________________________________
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Increase the Dose
Offer Whatever Light You Can
Be the Change You Seek
God is Always Faithful to Answer
Forgive Them Anyway
Forgiving someone who has hurt us
is one of the hardest things
God requires us to do.
And yet,
He forgave me.
And He forgave you.
When I stop and think
about God’s mercy and grace –
forgiveness so undeserved,
but so lavishly given to me –
it helps me
extend it
to others.
Not always without struggle.
Not always without many tears and much anger.
Not always as soon as I should.
Not always as completely as I should.
Sometimes it is
me on bent knees
praying honestly
and begrudgingly –
“But Lord, they . . .”
to which I always
hear God’s gentle reply:
“I know, My Child.
Forgive them anyway.”
Our Father knows
just how very hard
forgiveness is.
He knows first hand
the cost of forgiveness.
He understands
the wrong done to us,
the pain inflicted,
the wound left behind.
And He wants to bring healing.
This is what forgiveness does.
It doesn’t excuse the wrong.
It doesn’t pretend nothing happened.
Forgiveness acknowledges the hurt
and then,
by the grace of God
(how could you without it?)
chooses to extend grace.
As forgiveness floods over us,
it washes away
bitterness and anger.
Maybe not all at once,
but definitely over time.
(just being honest)
you have to choose
to forgive
over and over again.
But given enough time
and given enough grace
even the deepest wounds
can be healed.
“But Lord, they . . .”
“I know, My Child.
Forgive them anyway.”
He did it for us.
With His Spirit
at work in us
and through us,
we can do it, too.~❤
~Stacy L. Sanchez
There is No Perfect Life . . .
What we have is a perfect God who is able to lead us through this imperfect life with unfailing strength, incomparable wisdom, and infinite love