The Rosary in a Year – Day 21 – Show Unto Us

When we call upon Mary, what does she say to us? As we pray the Rosary and ask Mary to show Jesus unto us, we hear her response through the story of the Wedding Feast at Cana in the Gospel of John. If you feel like you’re at the wedding and out of wine, Fr. Mark-Mary says, turn to Mary in the Rosary, and she will advocate for you to Jesus. Today’s focus is “Turn then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy towards us,” and we will be praying one Our Father, three Hail Marys, one Glory Be, and the Hail Holy Queen.

The Rosary in a Year – Day 20 – Eyes of Mercy

You are enough for God. Fr. Mark-Mary contemplates Mary’s Magnificat, reminding us that Mary and Jesus look upon us with eyes of mercy, rejoicing in our offerings of love to them, no matter how small we think they are. As we slowly build up our Rosary, prayer by prayer, these sincere acts of love are pleasing offerings to God. Today’s focus is “Turn then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy towards us,” and we will be praying one Our Father, three Hail Marys, and one Glory Be.

The Rosary in a Year – Day 19 – Valley of Tears

We may be in a valley of tears, but we are never alone. Fr. Mark-Mary reads from the Gospel of John, revealing that the Blessed Mother has shared in our sufferings, and in the Rosary, is always with us. We are blessed to have Mary, who knew both suffering and the hope of God’s promises, as a perfect mother who will always love us. Today’s focus is “To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears,,” and we will be praying one Our Father, three Hail Marys, and one Glory Be.

The Rosary in a Year – Day 18 – Our Sweetness, Our Hope

Jesus gives us not only what we need, but in his abundance, gives us more than what we need so that we might have joy. Fr. Mark-Mary meditates on the Hail Holy Queen, exploring the relationship between the Eucharist and Mary, the mother of God, to help us meditate during the Rosary. Today’s focus is “Hail Holy Queen, mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope,” and we will be praying one Our Father, three Hail Marys, and one Glory Be.

The Rosary in a Year – Day 17 – Turn On the Light

Catholics may be very familiar with the Sign of the Cross, but this short prayer has deep significance. Fr. Mark-Mary shares the Biblical origins of the Sign of the Cross, reading from Matthew’s Gospel and the book of Psalms to explain how this prayer can allow us to see life as God does and proclaim our Faith as we say the Rosary. Today’s focus is “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,” and we will be praying one Our Father, three Hail Marys, and one Glory Be.