60 Second Wisdom – Time to Live Your Best Life

16 Ways to Start Living Your BEST LIFE – Matthew Kelly – 60 Second Wisdom

Video Transcript:

“We get only one shot at life. Isn’t it time for a little soul-searching? Isn’t it time to get outside your comfort zone and live the life you are being called to?

Here are 16 suggestions…

Visit a quiet church in the middle of the day.
Take a walk in the park.
Turn off the television and talk to your children.
Look for the job you’ve always wanted.
Keep a promise.
Tell your Mom you love her.
Restore an old car.
Make friends with your neighbors.
Say yes instead of maybe.
Watch a sunset.
Write your spouse a love letter.
Fly a kite.
Say you’re sorry.
Ask that girl out on a date.
Try a food you’ve never tasted before.
Make peace with God.”