The Rhythm of Life – 21 Questions that will Change Your Life – Question #13: Do You Need a Break? 

“Welcome back to 21 questions that will change your life.

Question #13 is about your body and how it talks to you. Our bodies talk to us all the time. They say, “I’m hungry” “I’m thirsty” “I’m tired.” “I need a shower.” “Pass the salt.” The body is constantly talking to us, and very often ordering us around. But the body is like money, a great servant and a horrible master.

Question #13 is… If your body could talk to you, what do you think it would say? Would it tell you to slow down? Would it say you need a break? Maybe it would tell you that you need to visit your doctor.

Today’s question is… If your body could talk to you, what do you think it would say?”