Saint of the Day – September 29 – Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels

The Archangels St. Gabriel, St. Michael, and St. Raphael share a feast day on September 29th. These are the only three angels mentioned by name in Sacred Scripture.

St. Gabriel means “Power of God.” He is the messenger or herald angel most famous for appearing to the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Annunciation (Luke 1:11-38).

St. Michael means “Who is like God?” He is the warrior angel, the famous foe of Satan, who is the champion of God’s people and guardian and protector of the Church (Rev. 12:7-9).

St. Raphael means “God has healed.” He is a companion and healing angel, most famous for curing a man’s blindness and for traveling with Tobiah in the book of Tobit (Tob. 12).

//Catholic Company//